Monday, March 4, 2013

In - Bound Marketing is really Out-Bound to nowhere!

Happy Monday to wonderful entrepreneurs everywhere!...the birds are chirping it's almost Spring!   After waking from a lovely restful night's sleep - I am calm and ready to take on the day!    ok, .... I'm kidding...  

After a night of solving problems and spinning colorful dreams, I just took my 'Vitamin E' that is, for Excederin and I'm hooking up my caffeine IV with a target plan to get my fat ass out of bed for the 'commute' to my 'corner office' - 15 steps from my bed.  I did however, through the prior 8 hours, solve one mystery to my own personal health;   after recently breaking two back teeth from 'night grinding' I now wear a Superbowl-approved-mouth -guard and I know it works- In fact, I was startled from a 'dead' sleep to the sound of someone chewing something and it wasn't beef jerky - it was my yummy tooth guard.  Oh, happy day!

Ok, now back to 'Lessons'.... as anyone knows, Entrepreneurs are the smartest people around and if you are brilliantly spending your own money on a venture which can only be termed as 'wide-eyed' you have earned the term 'resourceful' as well.    So here is a time-saver... at least in theme!  It's called 'in-bound marketing'.  It's something you should know about.

.....and for those new to this blog here's what you have missed; (a 12 step 'relief' plan)  'Welcome to 'Kool-aid Rehab'  - challenge your attention span  (it's really only 11 things) can do it!    

Ok,  if you learn anything today it's a term called 'in-bound marketing' - The idea of this probably came from someone who was being philosophical while in a public restroom and faced squarely with a bold advertisement on the back-of-the-door..... smack in their face.... it was at that moment which 'enough-is-enough' was born....hence, the idea that people no longer want to participate in advertising as a way to learn about something new... it's full-on block out and overload!

'In-bound Marketing' is a new fancy term for 'discovery' .... Consumers today DO NOT WANT TO BE TOLD (or SOLD) ABOUT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES! (period) .... they want to 'discover' what you are offering through their own search from reviews or friend recommendations FaceBook and Pinterest is their quick directory.   

As a marketer, this is a bit problematic... so if you have a good brand, word should travel through these channels...- wouldn't you think?

well, that's not exactly what happens..... You will find that those 'channels' for communication are also clogged like a jammed freeway going nowhere quickly.  So what are you supposed to do....?!    I have no idea...  I just know what doesn't 'work'...!  and to note; when you expect your 'friends' to help with organic communication - they won't (they are busy and overloaded too!)....they also love 'free' samples which you may also then hear;   'Can I get another set for my XX'?  fill in the blank  (sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law neighbor and the dog next door!)  - but to note; that's as far as that will go.(another lesson)


for those still committed to a traditional advertising plan have bags-of-money (and don't use your own money) on-hand for lots of frequency because no one is paying attention.  Your message must be benefit-driven (period) and very simply stated - think pre-schooler attention span.  


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About Me- I'm everywhere!

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anywhere and everywhere, USA, Illinois, United States
I'm a sassy, very distracted older mom...with lots of wild stories (and rants) about my family and life...Daughter 20, college student, sassy, unpredictable, violin playing, animal enthusiast...Son, 17 video addict, Chess playing-star / trombone player...husband (old, tired, chronically stressed and impatient, but a good sport nonetheless) The underbelly of life for me; I’m a bright eyed ‘entrepreneur’ – just now completing Kool-aid Rehab a frightening 12 step process to figure out what I am doing with my life. On the home front, we have a gang of animals that keep the place lively too! 'Emma', dirty ungroomed Sheepdog, 'Lollipop' a smart Border Collie/Chow Chow also referred to as 'Daddy's Little Fatty', 2 cats; one eyed 'Winky' and emotionally disturbed- beyond crabby ....'Babycakes' (it's complicated,) 1 bird 'Tutu', and finally 'Templeton' (a.k.a. Little Shit)- a teeny dog who loves to 'run' .... more trouble than all put together and dumb as a stick. but we love him! :)